Happy Birthday Jesse Boy!!!
24 yrs ago today I was laying in a hospital bed wailing and thrashing about and had a pretty rough time during the labor process which lasted almost 24 hours but I'd do all over again in a heartbeat....my son is soooo worth it!It truly doesn't seem possible that 24 years ago I was giving birth to my one and only child Jesse...where does the time go? It's been one of my biggest blessings in life to become a mother to my wonderful son. He's an awesome young man with a lot of love in his heart and helps many many people, so apparently I did something right! ;)
We've had our share of disagreements but what family doesn't? We've always been able to talk thru our problems and USUALLY he realizes in the end that MOM KNOWS BEST! :)
I've made him a quilt for his birthday and am going to give it to him at his big blow out birthday bash/concert on Thur. I included his company logo and put it smack dab in the middle of the whacky and wild quilt I made him. I hope he likes it...it's been a work in progress for quite a while...so glad I FINALLY finished it for him and will be able to present it to him in front of his friends and colleagues.
Jesse Boy, you're my angel and you'll always be my Baby know matter how old you get...good thing you don't mind me calling you baby even tho you're a man cuz that ain't ever changing! I love you w/all of my heart and it's an unconditional love that will never fail!
Love Mom!